The Lucky Underwear Story

While cheering on our sports teams, we would wear team colors from head to toe... Except for one piece of clothing: our underwear.

Different pieces of clothing would take on a certain amount of good-luck-charm. Our Dad had an old jacket that earned a playoff win, my brother's hat would only be put on (backwards, of course) when we needed a game-winning score, and our lucky mascot figurine started out with an 11-0 record after we got it for Christmas.

But the luckiest piece of clothing did not have team colors: my lucky underwear. I made a joke after a win that my new underwear must've had something to do with it. The next week, in a must-win, my family said to me: "you're goiing to wear that same pair of underwear again, right?"

After starting out 2-0, the underwear were only brought out on special occasions and in must-win scenarios. It has become an ongioing source of laughter and fun for the whole family.

We wanted to bring this fun to you and your family. That's why we created the Lucky Underwear line.

Wear Team Colors. Everywhere.